Bradley Carl
7lbs 8oz 20.5in
On Wednesday Nov. 3rd I went in to my routine 39week doctor's appointment at 11am. In the appointment I was hooked up to monitoring for 20 min. While everything was looking good initially, my doctor saw a slight dip in Bradley's heart rate while I was having a contraction. This alone made my doctor want to send me straight to the hospital for a few more hours of monitoring. It was when it happened again when my doctor said she was sending me to the hospital for a full admittance and induction. Do not pass go, do not even collect lunch. Boo.
The emotions were unexplainable. Excitement, nervousness, petrified, are just a few adjectives to describe how I was feeling. I immediately called Ben and he headed straight home to meet me and head in to have our baby!
"Hurry up and wait" has never meant more to me than when it comes to labor. All the rushing to get to the hospital only to be given a medicine that takes 12 hours to work. At 2:30pm on Wednesday I was given the medicine and at 2:30am on Thursday I was checked for progress. Not much. My cervix was only a finger tip dilated. I was then put on a second medicine which is stronger and only takes 4 hours to work. That was put in at 4am and at 8am I was again checked. This time I was "1 and a wiggle" dilated. Again at 8am Thursday I was given a second dose. During this second dose the baby began to show signs he wasn't happy. I was put on oxygen and told to change from side to side every 30 minutes. At 12pm I was then moved onto pitocin. The contractions started really to become painful. It was probably some of the worst pain I've ever been in. It was around 7pm on Thursday, right when I was going to ask for my epidural, that both my nurse and my doctor came in and said you are having this baby by c-section now. WHAT??
A little side note about my nurse. Nurse Angela had been by my side since 7am that day. She was so great and comforting. As you know nurses work 12 hour shifts and her shift was up at 7pm, right when I was told about my c-section. Nurse Angela was my angel and decided to stay over on her shift so she could be with me in surgery and I would have a friendly face. What a sweet heart. She walked me into the OR, and held me as I rested my head on her shoulder while I got my spinal. She kissed my head and told me everything was going to be ok. She really was my angel that day.
Because I had not had an epidural, I was able to literally walk myself into the OR. It was a freaky experience walking into this cold room where everyone was dressed as if there was a chemical spill. I was pleasantly surprised by the kindness of the staff. A girl game up to me and introduced herself to me as the nurse who would be taking care of my baby. "Great" I said. She then replied with, "Thank you for painting your toe nails for us, we really appreciate it!" Anything to take my mind off being scared was fabulous. I was laid down on the table and after what seemed like forever, Ben was let inside. He wasn't there for more than 5 minutes when, Bradley was born at 7:50pm.
I remember tremendous pressure and pulling on my stomach. Then I remember hearing the doctor say, "There's his head. There's the cord, 1, 2, 3 times wrapped around. It's a boy! And he's peeing!" They took Bradley over to get rubbed down and it took maybe 15 loooooooooong seconds to get him crying. Ben went with baby. I say Bradley maybe a minute or two after he was delivered and it was love at first sight.
I am so thankful and blessed to have had such an amazing team of doctors that truly were looking out for baby's best interest. I am so thankful that my doctor at my routine appointment decided to be cautious and send me to the hospital. I am so thankful that every nurse that we met was sweeter and kinder than the last. It was just such an amazing experience.
We came home from the hospital on Sunday the 7th. It was bittersweet to be home with my son as his actual due date of the 9th came and passed. Bradley is thriving and is so very healthy. Ben is already the greatest dad in the world and I'm just loving every minute.
There will be many more pictures to come, as it is now that this "Family Blog" can truly begin. For now, here is a link to the pictures taken by the hospital photography team.
T, B & B