Sunday, March 27, 2011

Many New Things

As this month comes to an end, I realize all the wonderful new things Bradley has done in just 4 short weeks. Here are some of the highlights: .

- We moved Bradley into his nursery at nights. It was so hard on mommy, but Bradley did great. Thank goodness for the video monitor! . ..

- We took Bugs swimming for the first time. We go to the YMCA. He just thinks he's in a bath, but loves it nonetheless. He doesn't kick or splash yet, or really do anything, so I guess this is just more fun for mommy and daddy. . . - He started rolling from his back to his belly by himself. He will only do it when he really wants to get a toy. Normally it's only for the light-up, sing-songy toys. .

- We bought Bradley an exersaucer. He LOVES it. He's only had it about 2 weeks but has already gotten so much stronger. When we first put him in it, he would just kind of lean to one side. Now he can stand up, keep his body straight, and even turn in it. .

- B's hair is growing back in, and we think he's going to have think hair! Grandma first got Bradley to style his hair, now we style it everyday. He wears the spike, and the mohawk very well. .

Here's the past few weeks in pictures: On St. Patty's day Bugs found his tongue for about 20 minutes this was how he looked. Finally a picture of Mommy not in sweats.
In the exersaucer
Swimming! Look at those cute little baby rolls.
So happy
The mohawk
First day in shorts!!
Readig with Daddy
Ready for baseball season!
Ready for my workout
Give me a kiss!
He'd rather chew on his paci: Let the teething begin!
T, B & B

Monday, March 14, 2011

4 Months and Beyond

At Bradley's 4 month appointment the doctor said everything was looking great! Bugs (our new nickname for Bradley) weighed 16lbs 2oz (74th percentile) and was 26inches (86th percentile). Still a big strong boy and I love it! The doctor did the neck test where he pulls him up to a seated position by the arms and checks if the head stays in line with the body. His did! He has very good head control!.

Last week we traveled to DC for cousin Charlie's first birthday. Bugs did so good in the car. We drove through the night so all he had to do was sleep and eat. Which he did.

He has been developing more every day. He is so active and so interested in everything. His hands are really starting to work in his favor when it comes to putting whatever he sees in his mouth. He still hasn't rolled over much anymore but he has started to reach for things while he's on his belly. We also just got him an exersaucer which he LOVES. I will have pictures of that next time. For now here is what Bradley is learning and loving:

He is learning to roll from his back to his belly. He only makes it up to is side as of now. (Do not know why this picture is upside down.)
Here he is learning to walk all over Daddy :)

Here he is learning to drive.

He just found his bottom lip and loves to suck on it.

He loves his cousin Charlie.

He loves his Aunt Andrea, and the bugs on his hands.

He can now sit up in the Bumpo seat.

He LOVES bathtime!!!

And We love you Bradley!!!
T, B, & B

Thursday, March 3, 2011

4 Months

As I am writing this I am listening to my boy coo in his sleep through the monitor. He is so precious!

I am bad. I have been bad about blogging and bad about writing in Bradley's baby calendar. I must get better.

4 months already? Wow! He is changing so much. He is showing his cute little personality more every day. He has a flirty shyness about him. When he is happy and wants to smile at you, he will turn away when he smiles, almost as if he doesn't want you to see him look so cute. Bradley is getting better and better and grasping things in his hands. He works on his toy-to-mouth coordination every day. He is now to the age where it is really getting fun to "play" with him.

He is so strong. Everybody keeps telling us how strong he is for his age. He has such good head control, and can bear most of his own weight when he "stands." He hasn't been rolling over as much, but I chalk that up to him having better head control. I think the first few roll overs were due to his heavy head leaning to one side causing him to roll. I've tried putting toys out of reach and such, but he is just so content to stay on his belly and look at them, rather than roll over.

He has started to really giggle out loud now. He laughs mostly for Ben. Probably because he is so funny looking. (Kidding!) Bradley will giggle for his Dad almost after every diaper change. It is so cute. The weather is getting nicer so we have started to walk every day. I'm so lucky he likes being in his car seat/stroller. I put toy bugs on his hands and he is so content to ride around and suck on bugs. Gross! lol. Here's a month in pictures.

Beautiful blue eyes

Ready for our walk!

Kiss from Granny and my furrowed brow

You want to chew on this too Dad?

Looks like I'm praying with Grandma before my nap

Baseball player in training!

T, B & B